REACH: the lost with the gospel

  • Personally share the gospel in neighborhoods across Switzerland through The Seed Project
  • Reach mass audiences with the gospel through our One Hope events, city-wide evangelistic gatherings
  • Share the gospel and provide humanitarian aid to those who are hurting or hungry in villages across Eastern Europe
  • Preaching the gospel at strategic third-party events, spearheading professional sports chaplaincy programs, and more

EQUIP: believers to live out their God-given destinies

  • Equip—not entertain—believers through speaking engagements at conferences and church services
  • Prepare believers to share the gospel with Go & Tell workshops in cities across Europe
  • Teach the Bible to believers through radio, television, internet and print material
  • Purposefully and intentionally disciple future disciple-makers

LEAD: training and supporting those in leadership

  • Both host and speak at leadership conferences
  • Train universities, church staff and leadership teams with best practices and strategies for growth and leadership


Guiding scriptures: John 17:20–23, John 4:23, Psalm 150, Romans 15:13, Hebrews 10:23, Romans 5:1–11